Begin Your Year And A Day Adventure Through The Seasons (Podcast Episode 108)

Begin Your Year And A Day Seasonal Grimoire Adventure!

Have you ever done a “year and a day” journey through the Wheel Of The Year?

It’s one of the most fun, fulfilling and foundational things you can do, whether you’re new to nature-based spirituality or if you’re a seasoned witch looking to simplify your practice.

Especially now, in our post 2020 world, it can be hard to feel stable, grounded and excited for the future when everything seems so unpredictable.

Well, what if I told you that nature has a nurturing, consistent cycle of growth and rest which we have the power to align with to experience more fulfillment, freedom and flow?

The Wheel Of The Year is where I began my witchy path many years ago. And although I dabble in many different aspects of the magickal path now, when it feels like things are getting too complicated in my spiritual life, personal life or creative process, time and time again I return to this simple seasonal framework. And, as if by magick, all the confusion and overwhelm seem to melt away, giving me the space and clarity I need to truly rediscover and align with my core level desires.

I invite you to join me for this podcast episode about how we as modern magickal people can embrace seasonal living to improve our quality of life in in tangible ways.

Ready to begin your year and a day journey?

I would love to invite you to join me for The Writing Witch Seasonal Living Challenge, a year and a day journey through the plant, tend, harvest release cycle of the eight seasons on the Witch’s calendar…

All while crafting your very own gorgeous wheel of the year grimoire!

Curious what your most magickal year yet has in store for you?

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Did you enjoy this post?

If so, I invite you to check out this one next:

Benefits Of Seasonal Living For Witches

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